Brands BioLogic

BioLogic Premium - SP-240 Potentiostat

A powerful, research-grade, potentiostat

With a vast array of specifications crammed into a compact, portable chassis, the SP-240 is the perfect instrument for any electrochemistry application but particularly energy and corrosion.

Offering a current range of up to 4 Amps, this potentiostat offers outstanding features such as a floating mode, analog filtering, a built-in calibration board, and 9 stability bandwidths for improved cell control.

Furthermore, the SP-240 can be purchased in a standard DC potentiostat or with EIS capability. When necessary (for cell impedance higher than 100 MOhm), an Ultra-Low Current (ULC) option may be required.

The compact nature of the SP-240 combined with its floating capability make the SP-240 the perfect potentiostat for corrosion experiments in-situ.